Common Sense Leadership
"We need leaders who will work with both parties to get things done. That's been my approach: Rejecting the extremes and focusing on solutions. I work for you – and I will NEVER forget it."
- Matt Gress
Matt’s Record of Results:
Co-sponsored the “Secure the Border Act” to give law enforcement the tools and resources to do their job.
Voted to increase penalties against fentanyl dealers.
Voted to eliminate taxes on groceries and rent.
Sponsored legislation to establish college scholarships for spouses and children of police.
Championed the “Pay Teachers First” plan to increase teacher pay by $10,000 a year.
Supports Arizona’s current 15-week abortion law, and exceptions for rape, incest and the life of the mother. Voted to repeal the territorial abortion ban.
12 bipartisan bills signed into law, including protecting seniors in long-term facilities and increasing support for young adults transitioning out of foster care.

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